Paul Asjes is a Developer Advocate at Stripe where he works on building interactive payment experiences and teaching developers how to get paid. In addition to coding, Paul hosts "StripeDev Live", a monthly live audio interview show that covers all things payments, coding, and developer products. In addition to payments, Paul is the author of Packt Publishing's book titled “Building Slack Bots”, which covers the fundamentals of conversational UI.
Paul lives in Amsterdam with his family and learned to program on his mighty TI-83 calculator. He has previously presented at JSConf Asia 2019 and OpenJS World 2022.
JavaScript's ecosystem is rapidly expanding. For 2022, developers want node package compatibility with the latest serverless app runtimes. In this talk, Paul will walk through how Stripe revised their popular Node package to support both Deno and Cloudflare Workers without having to split or fork the repository.
In addition, we'll cover the basics of stripe-node along with how Deno and Cloudflare workers differ from the standard Node runtime. This session will include a technical deep dive into the challenges of building a Node library that's compatible across multiple environments - including code examples, essential dev tools, and the lessons learned along the way.